Disco 60m 40m 785m Was Created By Contemporary African

Disco 60m 40m 785m Was Created By Contemporary African

Disco 60m 40m 785m is a unique dance style that has been created in order to honor both traditional African and Latin dance styles. This dance form is a fusion of African, Latin and contemporary dance, and the combination of all three elements produces an incredibly vibrant and energetic style of dance. This article will explore the background and history of Disco 60m 40m 785m, as well as its specific styles, choreography and patterns.

History of Disco 60m 40m 785m

Disco 60m 40m 785m was created by contemporary African and Latin Dance practitioners. It is a fusion of African and Latin dance styles, as well as moves from Street Dance and contemporary Ballet. The style was created as a way to honor and recognize traditional African and Latin Dance forms, while also offering contemporary dancers a unique and vibrant form which they could use to express their own unique styles of creativity and self-expression.

Styles and Patterns of Disco 60m 40m 785m

The styles and patterns of Disco 60m 40m 785m are largely based on African and Latin dance moves. The moves are fused with Street Dance and Ballet as well, giving the style its unique and vibrant energy. The choreography is fast-paced and puts an emphasis on energy and expression. The style is incredibly versatile, allowing dancers to customize their own movements and create their own styles with the moves.

Choreography Style of Disco 60m 40m 785m

The choreography style of Disco 60m 40m 785m is distinctively funky and upbeat. It is designed to be entertaining, energetic and engaging. Movements and patterns are often combined with specific hip hop and jazz moves, creating a unique mix of dance styles that adds to the overall aesthetic and fun of the dancing.


Disco 60m 40m 785m is an incredibly unique style of dance that combines African, Latin and contemporary dance styles. Its choreography is fast-paced and funky, making it highly engaging and entertaining. It is an excellent way to honor traditional African and Latin dance styles, while also offering contemporary dancers a unique and vibrant form to express themselves.

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